Tuesday, September 8, 2009

(a) What special benefits could my students gain from visiting this field trip site?

This image was taken from this link: http://www.southholland.org/Park%20pages/orchard1%20(2).jpg

(a) What special benefits could my students gain from visiting this field trip site?

Since this site is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educate the minds of our children, my students benefited greatly from visiting it. After this experience, my students gained an appreciation of science and technology through the exhibits and programs that this center offers. They had the opportunity to interact with each other through out the hands-on activities in the learning center, which is a major benefit for their development. Moreover, they gained a deeper understanding of what technology is; it's development; and the influence it has in our lives. Furthermore, they understand that in order to be competent citizens, they need to be aware of the advances in technology, and what they can do with it.

Monday, September 7, 2009

(b) What would I need to do to adequately prepare my students before the visit (consider adaptations for English learners and students with special needs)

There are a few things that I need to do to prepare my students for their trip to the Discovery Science Center.

1. Talk to my students about safety. It is important for students to know how to stay safe during the trip; such as, not wondering around, and following the center's rules.

2. Review rules and expectations for field trips; such as, listen to the teacher, be respectful, etc.

3. Keep in mind the needs of my special needs students, and English learners in order to know how to assist them, and what special attention they would need (This includes taking any medications and emergency cards).

(c) What resource materials (including online materials- provide links when possible) are available to assist my preparation, teaching?

There are many things that teachers can do to educate the young minds of their students, so students increase their appreciation and understanding of science and technology. There are books and websites that assist teachers by giving them ideas on how to teach science to their students.

This photo was taken from this link: http://www.einsteinlaw.com/images/graphic-customized.jpg

Here is a list of resource materials that are available to assist teachers' preparation and teaching:

Janice Koch, Science Stories, Science Methods for Elementary and Middle School Teachers 3rd Edition.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

(d) What will I do to debrief my students after I have attended the fieldtrip?

This photo can be found in google pictures

(d) What will I do to debrief students after attending the fieldtrip?

After attending the fieldtrip, I will debrief students by having them complete a few activities, including:

  • Draw a picture of your favorite part of the fieldtrip

  • Write a story about your fieldtrip experience

  • In groups of 3, share your drawing and story

  • Using the scientific method, conduct an experiment

Saturday, September 5, 2009

(e) Photos of my field trip

These are not photos of my field trip. You can find these photos by going to the Discovery Science Center Website: http://www.discoverycube.org/

My visit to this site will be unforgettable. The children experienced and explored science by participating in the different centers that this site has. They not only learned about science, but also about technology. In addition, the staff employed in this center are people with a strong science background, including teachers with a master's degree. This site offered various opportunities for my students to be active learners.

Friday, September 4, 2009

(f) What events and programs does the Discovery Science Center offer?

These are some of the events and programs that the Discovery Science Center offers. To get a detailed description of them, please visit their website: http://www.discoverycube.org/programs.aspx?n=577450

  • Fieldtrips

  • Preschool month

  • Home School week

  • Camp Discovery

  • Midnight Madness Camp-Ins

  • Outreach Programs

  • Scout Programs

  • Digital Lab

  • Women Explorers

  • Bubble fest

Thursday, September 3, 2009

(g) What other places are adequate for a science fieldtrip?


(g) What other places are adequate for a science field trip?

  • Visit a local beach and do a beach cleanup

  • Visit a zoo and find out about different animal habitats

  • Visit a science or animal museum

  • Visit a park

  • If possible, visit a science Laboratory

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

(h) Why are fieldtrips good for students?

This image was taken from this link: http://www.southholland.org/Park%20pages/orchard1%20(2).jpg

(h) Why are field trips good for students?

Field trips are good for students for various reasons. Some of the reasons of why it is good to take students on field trips include:

  • Hands on experience and involvement

  • Shows applications of what they are learning

  • Students can see how the material learned can be applied in everyday life.

  • Students are more likely to pay attention when they are interested